Thursday, November 19, 2009

twitter paper

Greg Coady Hennings Twitter
Twitter is a form of a social network that allows friends, co-workers, and family to find out more about each other that would that maybe they wouldn’t necessarily know. Little things like what’s going on in their day. Twitter is free which gets many more users. With twitter you can see and post updates with out having to wait to check your blog. The messages are called tweets. Tweets can hold up to 140 characters.
You can follow people including friends and celebrities. Celebrities like Dwight Howard, Dana white, and Chad ocho cinco have used twitter sometimes during one of their games or fights. Twitter can be easily accessed from your mobile phone and/or your computer. This makes it easy to connect with friends and see the little things that are going on in peoples lives that you might not talk to that often. i think twitter is a great a great and free online social networking tool.
Twitter is very similar to facebook and MySpace. MySpace is more for music and facebook is also very different from twitter in that facebook shows more detailed information including relationship status, photos, and games. Twitter is mainly based on the little things happening in the lives of others. This is a good business tool because it allows you to get closer with your co-workers. It is a better social tool because it allows you to tell your friends stuff you wouldn’t tell them. For example you won’t tell your friends or family you’re getting coffee. This will let your friends and family see that. Twitter is proven to be very entertaining as you can see they have expanded greatly since first starting. Twitter is a very useful to find out new news. Twitter is also a great recreational site.
Technology could be abused by people putting others in danger by making viruses. Also another bad thing about this is that some stuff should be private. For my paper I used Wikipedia and searched “Twitter.”

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