Wednesday, November 25, 2009

google docs.

google docs is a very useful buisness tool for many reasons. anyone who has ever done work with more than one person knows a good percentage of the time you are stuck because the person in your group with the presentation is knowhere to be found. am i right? google docs not only solves this problem but also takes out the hassle of making sure everyone can fit a group meeting into their already buisy scedual. first the original document is posted than you can see what changes each individual person in your group has made to the document. this takes the complecations of sending a number of different emails out and incorperating all of the changes your group members have made. most of the time there is one member of the group doing a lot of the work making sure every detial is perfect with google docs it substitutes out that work. it is very good and an important buisness tool. say the buisness presentation is due wenseday jim is making sure verything is in on time. while jim is doing that matt and mike are working on their part of the project. matt shows up with his work and mike is knowhere to be found. not only does this make you look completely unprofessional but than you have to here matt's excuse about how he sent it to jims email or how he couldnt find a way to get it to jim. google docs makes sure jim can get all the work from matt and mike without having to worrie about if matt or mike dosent make it in to work that day. google docs is an extremely good buisness tool that i think all buisness people should use for presentations ect.

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