Wednesday, November 25, 2009

facebook and myspace

facebook v. myspace
facebook allows you to connect with friends from your high school when your friends disperse to college. facebook includes photos statuses and games. farmville is a very popular game on facebook. even so popular there is word that apple has made an app for the game for the iphone and itouch. in the game farmville you have a farm and if you plant something you ave to later check on it this makes you logon a lot. the game is very addicting and over a million people have played the game since being created almost everyone is on facebook now.
myspace is very similar and very different at the same time. myspace is use to promote an artist for music. from a buisness standpoint myspace can be found as very helpful because it is an easy way to get your name out into the buisness. myspace also allows you to listen to music as well as talk to friends and post videos on your profile. myspace is found very useful i like to think of it as a blog and facebook together. myspace lets you use some of the features of both facebook and a blog.
in my opinion myspace is better for the buisnness aspect of use. many aspects of myspace seem more useful for marketing yourself or your buisness online.

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