Wednesday, November 25, 2009

google docs.

google docs is a very useful buisness tool for many reasons. anyone who has ever done work with more than one person knows a good percentage of the time you are stuck because the person in your group with the presentation is knowhere to be found. am i right? google docs not only solves this problem but also takes out the hassle of making sure everyone can fit a group meeting into their already buisy scedual. first the original document is posted than you can see what changes each individual person in your group has made to the document. this takes the complecations of sending a number of different emails out and incorperating all of the changes your group members have made. most of the time there is one member of the group doing a lot of the work making sure every detial is perfect with google docs it substitutes out that work. it is very good and an important buisness tool. say the buisness presentation is due wenseday jim is making sure verything is in on time. while jim is doing that matt and mike are working on their part of the project. matt shows up with his work and mike is knowhere to be found. not only does this make you look completely unprofessional but than you have to here matt's excuse about how he sent it to jims email or how he couldnt find a way to get it to jim. google docs makes sure jim can get all the work from matt and mike without having to worrie about if matt or mike dosent make it in to work that day. google docs is an extremely good buisness tool that i think all buisness people should use for presentations ect.

facebook and myspace

facebook v. myspace
facebook allows you to connect with friends from your high school when your friends disperse to college. facebook includes photos statuses and games. farmville is a very popular game on facebook. even so popular there is word that apple has made an app for the game for the iphone and itouch. in the game farmville you have a farm and if you plant something you ave to later check on it this makes you logon a lot. the game is very addicting and over a million people have played the game since being created almost everyone is on facebook now.
myspace is very similar and very different at the same time. myspace is use to promote an artist for music. from a buisness standpoint myspace can be found as very helpful because it is an easy way to get your name out into the buisness. myspace also allows you to listen to music as well as talk to friends and post videos on your profile. myspace is found very useful i like to think of it as a blog and facebook together. myspace lets you use some of the features of both facebook and a blog.
in my opinion myspace is better for the buisnness aspect of use. many aspects of myspace seem more useful for marketing yourself or your buisness online.

favorite holiday

my favorite holiday is christmas. mainly for the presents but also because we have off of school for a while. most of my family reguardless of where they live come together for this holiday.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

linked in

did you ever wish when you needed something there would be an easier way to get it done? Linked in uses your connections or friends to help get the job done. For example if you need help finding a business connection your friends may not have them but their friends maybe will. This is proven to help your business. It includes information on things such as experience, education, and recomendations. this allows your friends to see these things about you. linked in could help you get a job or find employees. to accomplish what you need linked in makes it easier to get from point A to point B. linked in makes it easier to see who knows who out of your friends. if you have a professional need linked in helps make the path from point A to B easier. a way linked in can be used is if your buisness grows many times your to do list grows. linedin links you to people who are friends of yours or friends of your friends to help complete those tasks. you can find ad agentcys, and even find investors using linked in. the network you have will help you find a few reliable ad agencys and investers. linked in finds the right stuff for the right people. linked in includes advanced searches for investers. when you find the right investers all you need is an introduction from your connection to that person and your buisness is a step further. many times you do stuff for your network linked in does stuff for you. no matter what your profession is linked in can help you people, knowledge, and oppertunities are on linked in waiting for you.


my grades where what i expected they werent the best or worst ive ever had. for quater 1 i did fine but i look to inprove next quater.

Monday, November 23, 2009

family thanksgiving

for thanksgiving my family usually has it on my mom's side the week before thanksgiving and my dad's side oof the family the day of thanksgiving. since we have such a large family this works out good for us.

Friday, November 20, 2009

my grades

This quater i definatly didnt work up to my potential. In a lot of the harder classes i dropped down to a C. Althought i hade some Cs' i got many As' as well. i will probably earn a 3.0 or higher. Next quater i am looking to pick up my grades.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

twitter paper

besides wikipedia i use google and searched twitter and

twitter paper

Greg Coady Hennings Twitter
Twitter is a form of a social network that allows friends, co-workers, and family to find out more about each other that would that maybe they wouldn’t necessarily know. Little things like what’s going on in their day. Twitter is free which gets many more users. With twitter you can see and post updates with out having to wait to check your blog. The messages are called tweets. Tweets can hold up to 140 characters.
You can follow people including friends and celebrities. Celebrities like Dwight Howard, Dana white, and Chad ocho cinco have used twitter sometimes during one of their games or fights. Twitter can be easily accessed from your mobile phone and/or your computer. This makes it easy to connect with friends and see the little things that are going on in peoples lives that you might not talk to that often. i think twitter is a great a great and free online social networking tool.
Twitter is very similar to facebook and MySpace. MySpace is more for music and facebook is also very different from twitter in that facebook shows more detailed information including relationship status, photos, and games. Twitter is mainly based on the little things happening in the lives of others. This is a good business tool because it allows you to get closer with your co-workers. It is a better social tool because it allows you to tell your friends stuff you wouldn’t tell them. For example you won’t tell your friends or family you’re getting coffee. This will let your friends and family see that. Twitter is proven to be very entertaining as you can see they have expanded greatly since first starting. Twitter is a very useful to find out new news. Twitter is also a great recreational site.
Technology could be abused by people putting others in danger by making viruses. Also another bad thing about this is that some stuff should be private. For my paper I used Wikipedia and searched “Twitter.”

favorite vacation

my best vacation was at okemo vermont. during the 3 day trip we stayed at my frinds house. it was aa big log cabin covered in snow. during the day we went to okemo mountain. there we skied and snowboarded. it was very fun since i had been snowboarding long enough to know what im doing. the mountain was very nice. during the time we were there i snowed on fresh snow that had fallen the night before. it was a great experience snowboarding on the powder like snow. it was a great experience and probably the best vaction ive ever experienced

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Greg Coady Hennings
twitter is a form of a social network that allows friends, co-workers, and family to find out more about each other that they would that they wouldn’t necessarily know. Little things like what’s going on in their day. Twitter is free which gets many more users. With twitter you can see and post updates with out having to wait to check your blog. The messages are called tweets. Tweets can hold up to 140 charictors. You can follow people including friends and celeberties. celebritys like dwight howard, dana white, and chad ocho cinco have used twiter sometimes during one of their games or fights. twitter can be easily acsessed from your mobile phone an/or your computer. this makes it easy to connect with frinds and see the little things that are going on in peoples lives that you might not talk to that often. i think twitter is a great a great and free online social networking tool. twitter is very similar to facebook and myspace. myspace is more for music and facebook is also very different from twitter in that facebook shows more detailed information includin relationship status, photos, and games. twitter is mainly based on the little things happening in the lives of others.

about me

sport teams-new orleans saints, new orlean hornets
music-rap, rock
musician-jay z, linkin park
activities-snowboarding, jetskiing
food-buffalo wings, buffalo pizza
restaraunts-buono sera

Tuesday, November 17, 2009